Thursday, April 22, 2010

We Hate Susan's Guts!

Susan Sparks has had to put up a battle with Cron's disease for 13 years now. Her sister Emily and herself has set a goal and have done everything in their power to make our FIRST walk in Lexington a success.

Susan's Story:

My sister and I signed up for the Crohn's and Colitis walk as soon as we saw that the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America was having one in Lexington.  It is near and dear to me because I have battled Crohn's disease for 13 years.  We told everyone in the family about our team and then began asking friends to join.    

It is important to have my friends and family support me in this because it affects my everyday life and they see how controlling of a disease it is.  By showing their support, makes me feel like we have a chance at a cure.  It is also important that people are educated about the disease to understand how debilitating it is.  The more people we can educate, the more funding and research the foundation will get to help people with this disease and their quality of life until a cure is found.

We set a large goal for our team and have broken it up into smaller amounts between the team.  This way no one sees it as having to get this large goal on their own.  If they can get their small goal then they may be able to move on and achieve more without so much pressure.  The more you break the amount down the more obtainable the goal seems.  We send out e-mails and facebook our team and friends regularly for support and to remind those who have not donated they still can.  If everyone does a little bit, our goal will be met with friends, family, donations, education and a cure for a better life.

To join Susan and Emily's Team, wehatesusansguts

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